

来源://porn-k.com/     发布时间:2024-12-28  

一、白铁通风管的优点和缺点1、 The characteristics of white iron air ducts白铁风道就是种以热浸镀锌薄钢板为k66凯时国际平台原料,过程精加工创作而成的排风道道。其常见显著特点有:White iron air duct is a ventilation duct made of galvanized iron sheet as raw material and processed. Its main characteristics include:速度高:白铁落水管拥有健康的棚内外通风性能指标,要可以有效地来排除棚内外的污秽环境,始终保持棚内外环境的文艺。High efficiency: The white iron air duct has good ventilation performance, which can effectively eliminate indoor polluted air and maintain fresh indoor air.的环保:白铁排烟风管的钢筋取样料为镀锌钢板薄铁皮,甘平不存在害处,就不会对工作环境形成破坏。Environmental protection: The raw material of the white iron air duct is galvanized iron sheet, which is non-toxic and harmless, and will not cause pollution to the environment.经用:白铁风道进行冷镀整理,还具有更好的防水蚀稳定性,利用使用期长。Durable: The white iron air duct has been galvanized and has good anti-corrosion performance, with a long service life.二、白铁落水管的加工制作工序2、 The processing technology of white iron air duct


白铁通风管的代加工加工包扩下列有几个步奏:The processing and production of white iron air ducts include the following steps:透通风通风管道道的规划:会根据透风系统的规划请求,进行透通风通风管道道的规划,选择透通风通风管道道的厚度、样子和食材等。Design of air ducts: Based on the design requirements of the ventilation system, design the air ducts to determine their size, shape, and material.排烟管线的建设:操作液压钣金折弯加工加工机、钣金折弯加工加工机等机 ,将热镀白薄铁皮剪裁成要求的样式和长宽比,接着操作钣金折弯加工加工机将白薄铁皮钣金折弯加工加工成要求的样式,接下来操作铆取货将排烟管线的有几个一部分铆接上去。Production of air ducts: Use equipment such as shearing machines and bending machines to cut galvanized iron sheets into the desired shape and size, then use a bending machine to bend the iron sheets into the desired shape, and then use a riveting machine to rivet the various parts of the air duct together.管线的测试员:对生产完整的管线参与测试员,确保管线的长度、样式形态和建筑材料符合的要求制定的要求,无漏灰、透漏等想象。Inspection of air ducts: Inspect the completed air ducts to ensure that their size, shape, and material meet the design requirements, and there are no air leaks, leaks, or other phenomena.三、白铁风道的主要要点3、 Precautions for white iron air ducts管线的物料考虑:考虑产品优质的热镀白铁用作管线的原物料,有效确保管线的结实耐用性和防腐施工蚀机械性能。Material selection for air ducts: Choose high-quality galvanized iron sheet as the raw material for air ducts to ensure their durability and corrosion resistance.通风落水管的制造工序制造技术:非常严格根据制造工序制造技术做好通风落水管的制造,事关通风落水管的厚度、形状图片大全和建材不符合设计的的要求。The processing technology of the air duct: Strictly follow the processing technology to make the air duct, ensuring that the size, shape, and material of the air duct meet the design requirements.风道的装:在装风道时,要要注意风道的坡比和转弯处的治疗,保证 风道的补风作用和安全使用质保期。Installation of air ducts: When installing air ducts, attention should be paid to the slope and treatment of bends to ensure the ventilation effect and service life of the ducts.
